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Store Hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

ProFix by Crystal Clear, .473L (16oz), .94L (32oz) & 3.78L (1g)


Pro-Fix Formerly know as liquid D-Solv, is the fastest & most efficient water clarifier on the market. It is designed to clear pond water in all sizes of ponds, waterfalls, streams, fountains and bubblers. This product is best used as a maintenance dose to catch any problems before they are out of control.
POND SIZE                           WEEKLY DOSAGE
1200 gallon                             2 ounces
1800 gallon                             3 ounces
2400 gallon                             4 ounces
.473L (16oz)- $25.25              UPC 813166024397
.94L (32oz)- $40.69               UPC 813166024403
3.78L (1gal)- $120.00              UPC 812166024427