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Store Hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Fish Food, Hikari Wheat Germ, Medium Pellet 500gm & 2kg.


Wheat Germ is an economical daily diet for the cooler months of the year. It contains an easily digestible food with all the basic nutrition your fish need to live a healthy life. High in stabilized vitamin c, it helps to improve luster to the skin . Wheat germ is to be added to the Koi’s diet  when water temperature is between 4* and 10* Celsius . That is 39* and 50* Fahrenheit. In cold temperatures like the ones listed here, you should not be feeding Spring and Summer foods.
Medium Pellet- 500gm- $22.70                  UPC 042055063425
Medium Pellet- 2kg- $77.50                    UPC 042055063708