Ona Gel is their most popular product, it is an incredibly powerful odor neutralizer that can permanently eliminate even the nastiest of odors.
We carry the Gel in both Fresh Linen and the Ona Pro.
4L Fresh Linen: $43.20 upc 624493123123
4L Ona Pro: $43.20 upc 624493123147
- Hydroponics437
- Air Purification12
- Odor Control5
- Climate Control57
- CO25
- Climate Control, Timer3
- Humidifier & Dehumidifier18
- Containers & Nursery Pots8
- Saucers0
- Grow Media20
- Grow Media, Coco4
- Media Additives10
- Harvest, Pruners/Scissors16
- Harvest, Trimmers2
- Harvest6
- Lighting39
- Lighting, LED Grow Lights18
- Lighting & Accessories10
- Miscellaneous14
- Miscellaneous, Watering wands3
- Nutrients & Fertilizers90
- Nutrients & Fertilizers23
- Nutrients, Vitamins9
- Nutrient ,Flush5
- Nutrients & Fertilizers, Full Stage35
- Nuttients & Feritlizers, Bacteria Enzyme4
- Nutrients & Fertilizers, Flower Enhancer32
- Organic Fertilizer34
- Pest & Disease Control, Sprayers21
- Pest Disease Control & Sprayers2
- Pest & Disease Control, Masks4
- Pest & Disease Control,7
- Pest & Disease Control,3
- Jiffy Plugs, Propagation & Cloning18
- Jiffy's & Plugs, Propagation & Cloning2
- Propagation & Cloning, Rooting & Seedlings8
- Propagation & Cloning, Trays, Cells & Domes6
- Pumps Hydro & Accessories8
- Pumps – Hydro & Accessories18
- Pumps Hydro & Accessories, Impeller1
- Pumps Hydro & Accessories7
- Pumps, Hydro & AccessoriesSupreme Mag Drive6
- Reverse Osmosis9
- Testing, Blue Lab24
- Testing , Blue Lab15
- Testing, Nutradip5
- Pond & Garden130
Store Hours
Monday to Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Ona Gel, Fresh Linen or Pro, 3.8Kg
Categories Air Purification, Hydroponics, Odor Control
Tags odor control, Ona gel, Powerful