Ona’s reputation for killing smells is without parallel’s. This product comes in a neat compact form, without sacrificing any of Ona’s internationally recognized odor busting capability.
Easy to use- simply unscrew the top to start experiencing the benefits. Long lasting if used correctly, you will get several weeks of use out of each jar.
170 gm, Fresh Linen: $11.20 upc 624493141325
170 gm, Ona Pro (leaves no fragrance) $11.20 624463141349
- Hydroponics437
- Air Purification12
- Odor Control5
- Climate Control57
- CO25
- Climate Control, Timer3
- Humidifier & Dehumidifier18
- Containers & Nursery Pots8
- Saucers0
- Grow Media20
- Grow Media, Coco4
- Media Additives10
- Harvest, Pruners/Scissors16
- Harvest, Trimmers2
- Harvest6
- Lighting39
- Lighting, LED Grow Lights18
- Lighting & Accessories10
- Miscellaneous14
- Miscellaneous, Watering wands3
- Nutrients & Fertilizers90
- Nutrients & Fertilizers23
- Nutrients, Vitamins9
- Nutrient ,Flush5
- Nutrients & Fertilizers, Full Stage35
- Nuttients & Feritlizers, Bacteria Enzyme4
- Nutrients & Fertilizers, Flower Enhancer32
- Organic Fertilizer34
- Pest & Disease Control, Sprayers21
- Pest Disease Control & Sprayers2
- Pest & Disease Control, Masks4
- Pest & Disease Control,7
- Pest & Disease Control,3
- Jiffy Plugs, Propagation & Cloning18
- Jiffy's & Plugs, Propagation & Cloning2
- Propagation & Cloning, Rooting & Seedlings8
- Propagation & Cloning, Trays, Cells & Domes6
- Pumps Hydro & Accessories8
- Pumps – Hydro & Accessories18
- Pumps Hydro & Accessories, Impeller1
- Pumps Hydro & Accessories7
- Pumps, Hydro & AccessoriesSupreme Mag Drive6
- Reverse Osmosis9
- Testing, Blue Lab24
- Testing , Blue Lab15
- Testing, Nutradip5
- Pond & Garden130
Store Hours
Monday to Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Ona Block, Fresh Linen or Pro, 170 gm.
Categories Air Purification, Hydroponics, Odor Control
Tags Fresh Linen, odor control, odor neutralizer, Ona Block, Pro